Monday, May 9, 2011


So for my 8th and final TED talk project, i watched Ric Elias talk about his very close encounter with death. He talked about how his life flashed before his eyes, but he later goes onto talk about his reality check, and the rearranging of his priorities. I haven't had a close encounter with death, but my brother Adam's close call really had the same effect on me. While longboarding down the street behind behind our house, Adam fell. Now, he made three mistakes. First, he decided not to wear a helmet. Second, he decided to go longboarding on the steepest street he could find. Third....he fell. Bbeing an 8 year old, I didn't understand the danger. Adam had developed a blood clot right on the back of his head. The clot would have to be removed with a surgical proceedure with a fairly low survival rate. Seeing my brother roll into the room where the procedure was to be done, I couldn't help but think.... What if I never see my brother again? What about all the things I never got to ask him? These questions were pretty deep for an 8 year old boy. Yet again, I found myself looking for the small things too. Like, what would happen to playing catch in the yard? but then I looked around the room and saw Mitch.

Adam survived the surgery, but the entire situation got me thinking, "what would I have wanted to tell him if he did die?" So although he probably didn't understand it becuase of all the pain pills he was on, I told him everything I wanted and or needed to say. Now, some people you just don't know well enough to tell them what you think. But you probably want to get to know them. So I challenge you to go home, and tell your entire family what you have really think about them. For example, "Mitch, you're my twin brother and my feelings for you are like the weather in Colorado. I could hate you in the morning, and want you as my best friend my that night."
"Adam, after your accident, you've never been the same. Sports may have been taken out of your life, but no matter what we will always be your family. Whether your in Centennial Colorado, or 3 hours away in Fort Collins."

So as a recap, I challenge you to tell your brothers and sisters what you really think. If everybody knew what people thought abou them, maybe you could make somebody's day. Thank you.

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