Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sir Ken Robinson

After listening to Sir Ken Robinson Speak about the different ways in which modern school systems take creativity out of their students, I also took away more then just what he said. I learned the best strategies in a TED talk. The best strategy that Ken uses best, is the use of comic relief. The joke that lighten the mood, yet still keep the topic very serious. this keep the audience interested while also adding a person touch into the entire speech. His topic in this particular TED talk was the ways school systems take kid's creativity, and "mold their brains" into what the teachers want instead of whats best for the student. He brings up the scenario of a dancer who couldn't sit still as a child. The unusual ways of diagnosis in which the doctor gave her intrigued Ken since instead of just giving her medication for A.D.D., the doctor turned on music and watched the end result. He saw none of this happening in school systems, and just the ordinary teaching strategies. He believes that if teachers were use other teaching strategies, that the future wouldn't look so bleak for our generation.

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